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The current way in which society is organized and facilitated probably is not the best fit for one that works for all. We increasingly keep each other busy with tasks and a narrow and shallow focus on topics that do not address how to continuously attend to our actual needs in a way everybody can really agree on. Discipl addresses the lack of a coherent vision of how a society as a whole, from local to global and apart from the values people in it decide to hold on together, can be facilitated optimally through looking at society in a systemic way. It focuses on an architecture facilitating any society that is willing to embrace it’s people as part of nature to prosper. Willing to only embrace technology for good, that is, for non coercive facilitation of attending to needs, not for controlling people. We do not need a coerced big reset, or a catastrophe to build back “better”, especially as that only seems to feed authoritarianism which does not work for all. We just need to get more aware of all of our actual needs and engage on how to attend to them in collaboration and only where there’s a free will and out of compassion together. This is however a wicked problem of coping with wicked problems most of which we might not even be aware of.
Not surprisingly new approaches for innovation that look deeper into such a wicked problem before prematurely running into solutions came into being under the flag of Design Thinking. Approaches like LEAN UX, imagineering and ‘frame creation’ all share one big challenge: understanding wicked problems requires the understanding of the needs of each and every stakeholder that is possibly involved. What we automatically end up with is a simple core architecture for a society that just attends to any need of any person in it as a main organizing principle at any level. We strongly belief that a society that does just that through something we call “nonviolent collaboration” might even be realizable and works. However, conscious or unconscious bias stands in our way. A big bias which also seems the fundamental cause for a lot of the wicked problems in current societies globally is not about gender or race at it’s root, but that of a persistent and self replicating pattern of increasing disconnection from each other resulting in increasing usage of control systems or a misfocus on how topics like gender, race inequality and even anxiety around climate change are addressed that only adds to further disconnection. A pattern which over a long time now even has gotten deeply ingrained in languages and cultures almost everywhere in the world. Without a focus to overcome this through enhancing emotional intelligence in people, any systemic, technological or judicial solution will render useless.
Discipl integrates all the needs and as such it also can integrate all of currently existing societies, with all the agreements (laws) that are already there as a starting point. The scope and focus of Discipl however lowers the threshold and adds the ability to shift into a different tracks towards a far more preferable alternative that now even may seem unimaginable, naive or utopian, only because increasing disconnection in current societies got us in a deep track that steered us away from this unconsciously for a long time. At least, in this way, Discipl is better prepared to adopt a wider range of future changes we choose to make to society for solving wicked problems while the world around us is changing fast. With a strong focus on solving needs through techniques based on non violence we hope like in Actor Network Theory, Discipl will result in people to get more aware of their own non controversial needs and that of others and that this will stimulate engaging with our differences, restoring the connection between all people such that they can collaboratively make the choices solving all the wicked problems we now keep struggling with and as such that Discipl steers us towards a society that works for all.
Discipl identifies an easy to remember set of main principles out of which the architecture unfolds. These principles are:
Compassion By Design:
- Attend to all needs : we engage with everything by focusing on the non controversial needs of everyone involved and just attend to them in a way that works for all
- Nonviolent collaboration : we stimulate usage methods and tools for collaboration in which the compassionate connectedness between people involved is restored and no control is felt necessary beyond this
Anonymous Transparency:
- Open free knowledge : we stimulate publishing all non personal information as open free knowledge
- Anonymous transparency : we stimulate maximizing the publishing of anonymous statistical information while minimizing usage of personal data
Sustainable Nature 2.0:
- we stimulate embracing technology to automate all the things in autonomous systems in such way it is sustainable, non coercive and unharmful for people and nature and really blends in. Feeding anxiety and shame around topics like climate change will prohibit this and only worsen disconnection between people.
With these high level principles, which replace the former Discipl Manifesto, we are developing a discipl architecture and technology stack following a roadmap while engaging in multiple small projects in collaboration with both public as private organisations.